Yatzer.com, Shadwell
April 2012
This morning, wondering “what shall I visit today?”, I got lost in the "art hunting" routine.
I ended up on http://yatzer.com, a global website for fine art
and applied arts. It contains unique and contemporary inspiration about Design,
Architecture, Exhibitions, Travel and Interviews.
The artist that became part of my knowledge is the Canadian Guy Laramèe.
In his career he has been practicing numerous disciplines as theater, music, video, scenography, sculpture, installation, painting and literature.
I have always cherished a passion for books, and I felt an immediate correspondence between knowledge and beauty. In his statement the Artist defines the books as “mountains of disused knowledge (that) return to what they really are: mountains. (...) Piles of obsolete encyclopedias return to that which does not need to say anything, that which simply IS. Fogs and clouds erase everything we know, everything we think we are” (Artist Statement).
In the engaging article "Interview with Guy Laramèe" (Benjamin van Loon, 2012) there is a profound dialogue that amplifies and questions existential dilemmas as progresses, ideologies, contemporary art, conceptualization, difference between ideas and concept, and more.
I got sincerely struck by the passion in which he spurs the reader to create: "There is a world outside ideas, and if art still needs a mission, here’s one: to get ourselves back into this sense of presence. Making us more alive. That does not mean to stop thinking, which is impossible, but it means putting thinking into perspective." (Guy Laramèe, 2012)
His work are exposed in the Foster White Gallery, Seattle, and the Lacerte Art Contemporain, Quèbec.
Available at: <http://guylaramee.com/index.php?/info/bio/> [Accessed 24 February 2012]
Available at: <http://www.guylaramee.com/index.php?/intro/> [Accessed 24 February 2012]
Available at: <http://blog.the-dot.co.uk/design/carved-book-landscapes-by-guy-laramee/> [Accessed 24 February 2012]
Available at: <http://anobiumlit.com/2012/04/18/interview-with-guy-laramee-artist-part-1/> [Accessed 25 February 2012]
IL Riformista, Altro che e-book con Laramée il libro si fa scultura, DI ANITA TANIA GIUGA
Available at: <http://anobiumlit.com/2012/04/18/interview-with-guy-laramee-artist-part-1/> [Accessed 25 February 2012]
IL Riformista, Altro che e-book con Laramée il libro si fa scultura, DI ANITA TANIA GIUGA
[The cloud of unknowing] n.d. [image online] Availavle at: <http://guylaramee.com/index.php?/lineage/the-cloud-of-unknowing/> [Accessed 24 February 2012]
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