Sunday, 22 April 2012


I have always been attracted by the advertising’s world, even when I was not conscious about it!The first commercial that I clearly remember is about a children game named: “Crystal Ball”. An hard plastic straw charged with a small amount of an elastic polymeric substance, joined with the fantasy and the desire to get messy, was the perfect kit to create an amazing world of balloons. Even if my mum's memory is completely different: strong smell and sticky mess! It was the first approach to something that reached my desire.
It is impressive to look at it now because I can see the impact that had on me, on the choice of my life: this is why I am interested in studying art and design, I would like to learn how to leave a positive message in someone else life.

“Crystal Ball” has been commercialised in the 80’s. The engaging advertisement and the memorable jingle are still in my mind as the first time I watched it: the colour, the atmosphere and the logo were ideally coherent with the image of the product. The commercial campaign, as you can see in the image next to this text, in the comic “Mickey Mouse” was like an invititation to buy it.

If you would like to taste for 30 second the idea that's the adv link:

Available at:<> [Accessed 27 March 2012]
Available at:<> [Accessed 27 March 2012]

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